Part II: Voter Registration

For Residential Facilities

If you live in a residential facility and you need to register to vote, you can register online, on paper, or a staff person can go with you to the polling place to confirm your address.

What is a Residential Facility?

Residential facilities include:

  • Assisted-living facilities

  • Battered women’s shelters

  • Group residential housing

  • Homeless shelters

  • Nursing homes

  • Residential alcohol and chemical treatment programs

  • Residential facilities for persons with developmental disabilities

  • Supervised-living facilities

  • Transitional housing

  • Veterans’ homes

Help with Voter Registration on Election Day

If you need to register on Election Day, you must provide proof-of-residence. This can be difficult when you live in a residential facility. One simple way you can provide proof-of-residence is to ask facility staff to go with you on Election Day to ‘vouch’ for you. Vouching is when the staff swears that they personally know you live in the facility.

Any staff person can vouch for all eligible voters who are residents of the facility. However, staff must prove their employment with election officials. Methods of proof include:

  • Showing an employee identification badge.

  • Sending a staff list to election officials in advance.

    • Instructions: send a certified list of residential facility employees who might vouch for residents to the county election office. Submit the list on the form at least 20 days before the election. If there are buildings in different precincts, send a separate form for each. If staff work at several locations, they can appear on multiple lists.

  • Bringing a staff list to the polling place

    • Instructions: prepare a list on your letterhead of staff who are vouching for residents and give it to the election judge at the polling place. The letter must be signed and dated, and include the facility’s name, address, and your name and title. Include this language in the letter: “I certify that the following is a list of employees of this facility who may vouch on Election Day for eligible voters who are residents of this facility, and that this facility meets the definition of “residential facility” contained in Minnesota Statutes 201.061, subd. 3, para.(c).”

Have an agent pick up your ballot (agent delivery)

If you live in a nursing home, an assisted-living facility, residential treatment center, group home or battered women's shelter, you can ask someone to pick up and return an absentee ballot for you.

Vote early with an absentee ballot

You can vote early at your local elections office starting 46 days before Election Day. You can also apply to have an absentee ballot sent to you in the mail.



Page last updated: July 1, 2022