Part IV: Candidate Forums

Tips For Communicating With Candidates

Securing the confirmed attendance of a key speaker or candidate for office is generally very easy, as they are eager to tell their story or meet with voters. However, there are situations which may require more careful discussion so LWV can avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest.


The candidate or party does not respond to written or emailed invitations.


Contact the candidate or party or campaign office to determine if the correct email address or mailing address was used. Always ask for a response by a specific date (a date which allows a few additional days before the forum). Follow-up by telephone, keeping a record of attempts and who you speak with. Prepare for the forum as if the candidate will appear by making a name tag and place card.


A candidate or party wants to know what questions will be asked.


Assure them that the questions will reflect the issues voters most care about.


The candidate attempts to bring a large crowd of supporters to a forum to turn it into a campaign rally.


Always communicate policies in advance. Managing the room and audience is the responsibility of the forum planner. Managing begins at the registration tables where the audience signs in. Provide several stations near one central entrance point to keep the crowd moving so the forum can begin on time. Have several LWV members and volunteers stationed at the entrance to watch for campaign signs, buttons, clothing or other campaign materials which are not allowed in the room. During setup, keep the doors closed until registration begins to allow briefings with volunteers and to ensure that all technical setup is complete. 


The candidate’s supporters in the audience become unruly, vocal, applaud or otherwise do not respect the forum rules and policies as agreed to by the candidates.


Managing the audience once the forum begins is the responsibility of both the Moderator and the forum planner. They should have a pre-arranged signal or other means of communicating from the podium to the back of the room, in case assistance is needed. If the audience applauds or speaks out, it is the Moderator’s responsibility to immediately remind the audience of the forum rules and issue a fair warning. It is the Hosts’ responsibility to observe audience behavior from the back and sides of the room. If they see a problem, an LWV member should quietly and discretely approach the audience member with a reminder. If the issue persists, the member can ask the person to step out of the room. If the audience violates the rules a second time, the Moderator can turn to the Candidates with a polite request that they ask their supporters to follow the rules. Failing that, the Forum can and should be cancelled before the situation escalates.


The candidate’s supporters or party members show signs of being confrontational or contentious before the forum begins.


Managing the audience begins with setting the candidate’s expectations by including LWV Forum Policies & Rules with their invitation. By agreeing to participate, the Candidate agrees to follow the rules. Setting the audience’s expectation begins by giving them a written program with a copy of the rules and perhaps additional information about how to write and submit their questions. Even with a printed program, the Moderator should give a quick recap of the rules at the beginning of the forum.


The candidate or party wants to know which other candidates are attending the forum.


We expect a very good turnout from the candidates, however, we do not share that information with candidates because LWV believes that each candidate should decide for themselves about whether they want to speak directly with voters in a nonpartisan voter education event prior to the primary general election. Historically in our [city/county/school district], candidate participation in League of Women Voters forums has been outstanding, something voters have come to expect. LWV also expects the media to attend.


Candidate or party wants to know who will be in the audience at the forum.


The forum is open to the public and has been publicized in the local newspapers, on the radio and through our co-sponsor, [name]. [Radio] will be recording the forum and a newspaper reporter is also expected. In addition, current [elected officials] have been invited along with all League of Women Voters members and friends.


Candidate or party wants to talk with voters before and after the forum.


Absolutely! Plan to arrive anytime after 6:30 pm as LWV forums start promptly at 7:00 pm. Voters often want to ask candidates a question directly and you are welcome to visit until the building closes at 9:00 pm.


A candidate wants to arrive early to practice their speech with a microphone.


No. Allowing any one candidate access to the room during setup would create an unfair advantage. When booking a room, remember to allow plenty of time for setup. Also advise the technical staff of this decision.


Page last updated: March 22, 2021